Crossword clues for red ensign
The Red Ensign or "Red Duster" is a flag that originated in the early 17th century as an English ensign flown by the Royal Navy and later specifically by British Merchant Seamen. The precise date of its first appearance is not known, but surviving receipts indicate that the Navy was paying to have such flags sewn in the 1620s. It is currently used as the civil ensign of the United Kingdom.
Red Ensign (1934) is an early low-budget " quota quickie" by noted British filmmaker Michael Powell.
Usage examples of "red ensign".
Chase looked as weary as Montmorin, but when he looked up he saw his old red ensign hoisted above the French tricolor on the Revenant's foremast, the only mast left to the French ship.
Chase looked as weary as Montmorin, but when he looked up he saw his old red ensign hoisted above the French tricolor on the Revenant’.
Pity there isn't a red ensign on board, but I'm hanged if I'll sail under Greek colours.
He looked up at the battered red ensign hanging from the peak against the blue of the sky, and then he plunged into realities.
Over there rolled the two other ships of the squadron, the Pluto with her three tiers of ports, and the red ensign at the mizzen masthead indicating the presence on board of a rear-admiral of the red, and the Caligula astern of her.
He glanced towards the captured frigate as she yawned astern of the Spartan, a bright red ensign flying above her Tricolour.
Surprisingly, he looked up at the great red ensign streaming from the gaff.
There was a ragged cheer as the red ensign was hoisted up the brigantine’.
He saw the red ensign curling listlessly above the taff rail, the glitter of gilt paint and polished fittings.
A white puff showed at the frigate's bows, and shifting his gaze he saw the red ensign break out at her mizen-peak: he frowned: he would at least have tried the tricolour or, with the big American frigates in those waters, the Stars and Stripes.